For those unfamiliar with the term, photo rejuvenation, also called photorejuvenation, is an umbrella term for treatments that involve the use of laser, intense pulsed light, or photodynamic therapy, for treating skin conditions. IPL skin rejuvenation is a type of photorejuvenation, but it doesn’t not use laser but broad wavelength light to treat the skin. In recent years, IPL has emerged as one of the most viable solutions for treating photo-aged, especially for people who don’t want to consider surgical and invasive procedures. Here are some of the aspects worth knowing about IPL skin rejuvenation.
What exactly is IPL skin rejuvenation?
It is important to understand that Intense Pulse Light (IPL) doesn’t work like Botox or dermal fillers, and it is not meant for hair removal. It is, however, extremely effective for improving skin texture and tone, right after the first couple of sessions. Typically, the treatment is recommended for conditions like Rosacea, facial telangiectasia, spots caused by sun damage, aging spots, broken veins and capillaries, redness of the skin, and freckles. After the session, you will see that the dark spots will get darker and fall off after a week or so. Most people admit to have luminous, smoother, brighter, and clearer skin after the treatment.
The procedure in general
IPL skin treatment requires at least two sessions, while some people may need as many as five or six sessions. There is usually a gap of at least four weeks between two sessions, and you may have to wait for at least seven to ten days to see and feel the difference in your skin. Each session lasts for about 15 to 20 minutes, and while there can be some discomfort, there is no pain involved. IPL skin treatment is considered to be safe for most people, but is not recommended for those with black or extreme brown skin. The treatment can cause discoloration when it comes to black skin, with other side effects, such as blisters.
In conclusion
IPL skin treatment is not just for treating age spots. It works wonders for stimulating the production of collagen and works at a molecular level on the skin. It is also a much safer procedure compared to some of the lasers, peels and chemical treatments that are in use. In fact, if you go for the recommended number of sessions, you will find that most spots and aging signs have disappeared.