The Neurological Effect of Hemp Oil

For a very long time, cannabis plants have lived with the stigma of affecting the human mind by giving it a “high” or stoning people. With the emergence of CBD, there has been some redemption for it. THC and CBD are the two dominant compounds derived from cannabis plants. THC is intoxicating (derived mainly from marijuana), while CBD (derived from hemp) has the opposite effect. CBD does not possess any psychoactive properties.

CBD (Cannabidiol) hemp oil has higher concentrations of CBD and very low THC content. Its chemical properties make it suitable for treatment of various ailments, many of which are neurological in nature. While buying hemp oil, it’s important that you know how and where to buy CBD Biocare oil. Let’s try to understand the neurological effects of hemp oil.

  1. Protection of Neurons

CBD protects neurons from degeneration. A study related to Alzheimer’s has shown the slowing down of the development of its symptoms.

  1. Suppression of Pain

CBD inhibits neuronal transmission without resulting in analgesic tolerance. By doing this, it can suppress pain. Researchers believe that because of this property, it can be used as a foundation for the treatment of chronic pain along with other non-psychoactive components

  1. Reversal of anxiety

While Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can be credited with most of the psychological effects of cannabis, CBD is considered to be capable of countering them. Consumption of marijuana results in anxiety, while CBD might help in the treatment of the same.

  1. Epilepsy

According to a study, hemp oil is capable of treating epilepsy and other neuropsychiatric disorders. Due to its anti-seizure properties, CBD faces low risk of undesirable side effects on patients suffering from epilepsy. Research has been focused on treatment of many other similar disorders like neuro-degeneration, neuronal injury, and psychiatric diseases.

How CBD Works on the Brain?

It is interesting to know the action of CBD on the brain. Its effect is produced through various molecular pathways. CBD acts through receptor-independent channels without really binding with CB1 and CB2, the two cannabinoid receptors. CBD enhances and inhibits the binding action of certain protein-coupled receptors such as the serotonin 1A receptor in the Serotonin system, Vanilloid Receptors, Orphan Receptor etc. CBD’s interaction with 1A receptor results in the impediment of disorders like schizophrenia, pain, anxiety, depression and nausea from chemotherapy. With the vanilloid receptors, it results in a therapeutic effect. Orphan receptors are involved in modulating blood pressure, bone reabsorption, and bone density.

With the increasing understanding of the chemicals, scientists are bound to find newer and better ways to heal the world independent of the stigma that cannabis has carried for so long.